What's up - Palio del Cerro 2022
Published on Aug. 25, 2022
Re-enactment of a Renaissance history, the Palio del Cerro, in Cerreto Guidi, will take place on the 3rd of September at 10 p.m., preceded by the historical parade that anticipates the games between the districts of Porta Caracosta, Porta Fiorentina, Porta al Palagio and Porta Santa Maria al Pozzolo.
The Palio is part of the Settembre Cerretese dedicated to the celebrations for Santa Liberata.
If the highlight is the 3rd of September, the Palio climate 'will warm up' already in the previous days. One of the most anticipated days will be the 1st of September with the presentation to the public of the Palios, those that will be assigned.
All this waiting for the 3rd of September when, at 9 p.m., the Medici court, the ladies, the knights, the musicians, the flag-wavers and the teams of the four districts will parade through the streets of the center and that at around 10 p.m. will compete for the Palio with the historical games of crossbow shooting, throwing of rings, running on troppoli, etc.
Info: 0571.55671, info@prolococerretoguidi.it